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Review a Side-by-Side Comparison of the proposed revisions to the Standards of Professional Conduct to the current Standards

July 25, 2017

CFP Board’s standards for ethics and practice are an essential part of the CFP® certification and an important element of the public’s trust and confidence in CFP® professionals.  Through a deliberate and inclusive process, CFP Board has developed a draft of proposed revisions to the Standards that is intended to enhance the integrity and value of CFP® professionals to the clients and communities they serve.

The draft proposal, titled Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, is a significant revision to the Standards with a range of important changes, including broadening the application of the fiduciary standard for CFP® professionals – effectively requiring CFP® professionals to put a client’s interest first at all times – and enhancing and updating standards related to financial planning. 

CFP Board has requested comments on proposed revisions to its Standards of Professional Conduct, which set forth the ethical standards for CFP® professionals. To assist with your review of the revised Standards, and examine detail on what's changed, please download this PDF for a side-by-side comparison.

Review a Side-by-Side Comparison of the proposed Code and Standards and current Standards (PDF, 264KB)