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View Now: Special Preview of 2023 Public Awareness Campaign

March 15, 2023

CFP Board hosted this special preview of our 2023 Public Awareness Campaign on March 15, 2023.  Presenters Kevin R. Keller, CFP Board’s CEO, Jim Katsaounis, CFP Board’s Managing Director of Marketing and Communications, and Diana Ricciardi, CFP Board’s Director of Advertising and Public Awareness Campaign, shared how the annual Public Awareness Campaign is driving awareness of CFP® certification, reviewed the campaign's objectives, the 2023 media plan, and revealed the new TV ads and other new creative that will officially launch on March 20, 2023.

View the Recorded Webinar

The new TV ads will run on news, sports and entertainment media partners, including ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the Golf Channel, ESPN, HDTV and the Food Network, through May 21. In addition to the television ads, the campaign includes streaming video on Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max and Roku, among other platforms, as well as radio ads that will also air through May 21. Search engine marketing and social media advertising will continue throughout the year.

A toolkit of campaign resources will be available on on March 20, with TV spots, banner ads and sample social media posts that CFP® professionals can use to extend the reach of the campaign.